
Sustainability and Efficiency at our UK Fabric Dyehouse


Here at Pincroft, we place sustainability and operating efficiency at the heart of our operations in our fabric dyehouse. Our belief is that good environmental performance and efficient use of resources make for a better business, with better outcomes for our customers. By investing in our dyehouse facilities we have been able to reduce our impact on the environment and we are continuously developing an operation that benefits from the latest generation in plant machinery and processes.

Energy Saving

We have installed one of the industry’s largest heat recovery systems in our fabric dyehouse, recovering waste heat from waste water and atmospheric releases to heat clean process water. Annual saving of natural gas of > 750,000 cubic metres. Reducing CO2 emissions by more than 4,000 tonnes per year.

Water Usage

In our fabric dyehouse, water for all wet processes has been reduced to well below industry benchmarks by investing in the best available equipment, use of greener chemistry and ‘smart’ use of water. Reducing effluent production by more than 50,000 m3 per year.

Resource Efficiency

By investing in chemical recovery systems for our dyehouse as well as chemical substitution and process optimisation we have realised significant reductions in the use of products. Chemical consumption reduced by more than 100,000 tonnes per year.

Waste Minimisation

Our purchasing policy means that waste is kept to a minimum and where possible all remaining packaging is re-used or recycled, these ideals are passed onto our supply chain.

As a result of these measures significant amounts of waste have been diverted from landfill.

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